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"The other thing I emphasised in my talk was that sometimes you can have a whole box of tools to look after yourself and still end up struggling, because no one has an infinite well of resilience and sometimes ableism and disabled life really whacks you round the head. Not being able to handle it all the time doesn’t mean you’re failing so much as it shows just how often you do cope."

thank you for this. It's heckin' relevant for me right now and basically the conversation I had with my wife last night. I have a meditation practice of over fifteen years, I have a really regular sleep schedule I don't even disrupt on holidays, I have a regular exercise routine, I eat all the things I'm told should help reduce anxiety and stress, I build breaks into my day. I have a therapist and a massage therapist and I'm on meds to support with anxiety AND sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes it doesn't matter because yeah, everything builds up just a little more than a single human can handle and once those adrenal glands are set to Alarm Mode, well...that's it.

So...thank you for this. I needed the reminder that I am not the only one and never will be.

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